Now in Jeonju

[2023.10] Jeonju Zoo in Autumn

[2023.10] Jeonju Zoo in Autumn

  • Writer 관리자
  • Date 2023-10-23
  • Hits 340
cool winds and warm sunshine

Jeonju Zoo in Autumn

With October's charm and the captivatingly blue sky overhead, it's evident that autumn has arrived in Jeonju. As the morning and evening air turns crisp, the daytime welcomes a gentle breeze and warm sunshine. This season offers the ideal conditions for a leisurely outing. If you're planning an excursion, why not prepare for the gradual change of autumn and visit Jeonju Zoo, where natural beauty and animal friends await?

Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo

Jeonju Zoo is getting ready for autumn

Upon entering the tranquil gates of Jeonju Zoo, you'll find trees still adorned with shades of green that graciously greet visitors on either side. Whether it's the season of autumn casting its magic or the thrill of a long-awaited outing, the sky peeking through the verdant canopy appears extraordinarily clear and blue. It's a landscape that, despite sharing the same green and blue as summer, conveys autumn's distinctive sense of serenity and tranquility. The vivid blue sky, lush greenery, and the breeze of autumn harmoniously lift the spirits.

Strolling through Jeonju Zoo, it feels like a leisurely walk. The warm sunshine above and the occasional cool breeze make your steps light. As you explore the surroundings, you'll notice the trees slowly shedding their leaves to make way for their autumn attire. The crunchy leaves underfoot and branches with leaves turning various shades of red and orange reflect the changing season, announcing the arrival of autumn to all.

Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo
Jeonju Zoo

The change of
the season is
seeping in.

Seasonal changes can also be found in animals. Animals coming out to the outdoor kennels and enjoying the cool breeze and autumn sunshine look very comfortable. Autumn is a gift for the creatures, having surpassed the sweltering days of summer. Animals calmly observe the visitors as they explore, while others take refuge from the sun, settling in for a peaceful nap. Everyone, from visitors to the animals, wholeheartedly enjoys the autumn season.

Autumn, which has come to permeate everyone, and autumn, which is just around the corner, will gradually turn dark and pass without knowing when it has gone. Don't miss the chance to experience the ever-changing autumn landscape. Visit Jeonju Zoo, where you can immerse yourself in the multicolored foliage and spend a healing time.

Jeonju Zoo, 68 Sori-ro, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do Map View↗
Opening Hours Spring/Summer Season (March - October): 09:00 - 19:00 (Ticket sales close at 18:00)
Fall/Winter Season (November - February): 09:00 - 18:00 (Ticket sales close at 17:00)


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